For those in need of captioning for screen reading software,
the transcript may be found below for those speaking in the video
(Paula Cocke, Principal and Shelley Mayhew, Assistant Principal).
Transcript of video:
[Principal, Paula Cocke, addresses the viewer.]
"Hello and welcome to the Annual Title I Meeting for Gretna Elementary School."
"I am Paula Cocke, principal. Every journey begins with a single step and we will make it through this new journey step by step."
"New Faculty for the year:
EL Teacher - Hilary Simmons
Prek Teacher Assistant - Lindsay Doss
K Teacher Assistant - Regina Haskins
Mrs. Jean Brooks is our new attendance clerk."
"We are an accredited school and we thank you for all of your support."
"The following assessments will be given this school year:
PALS - Prek - 3
VKRP - Kindergarten
SGA Assessments, Benchmark Testing, Project Based Assessments
More information will be sent home at a later date."
"We have a new PTO Board
President - LaKeya Revely
Vice President - Allison Perkins
Secretary - Chelsea Dowell
Treasurer - Brittany Cook"
"At this time Mrs. Mayhew our Assistant Principal will share some Title I information."
[Mrs. Cocke leaves the screen. Ms. Shelley Mayhew, Assistant Principal, walks to front of screen to address viewers.]
"Good Evening GES Families."
"What is Title I?
Schools with a high concentration of low-income families often have unique educational needs that are brought on by conditions of poverty. After a school qualifies for Title I, the educational program is designed to meet the needs of any child in that school who has a particular learning need. All children in a Title I school will continue to get the regular help a school provides for all children. If, however, a child has special problems in such areas as reading and math, or in other designated areas, the child may get additional help in those areas."
"Where does Title I money come from?"
"Federal tax dollars are provided to the State Department of Education and distributed to local school systems such as Pittsylvania County Schools."
"What does GES do with Title I money?"
"We are grateful to have three Title I teachers, Allison Barker, Renee Williams, and Tara Taylor. At Gretna Elementary Schools Title I funds are used to purchase and maintain instructional programs to help students who struggle academically. Title I helps all students be successful in meeting state standards."
"Furthermore, PCS has a Title I Advisory Council. Our GES representative this year is Mrs. Lindsay Doss."
"Title I Parental Involvement Policy can be found on the GES webpage."
"Our meeting is now adjourned. Thank You!"